Interim Flexible Work Arrangements and Remote Work Regulation

ECU’s Interim Flexible Work Arrangements and Remote Work Regulation is now available here. This regulation outlines the continuing availability of flexible work arrangement options, such as remote and flexible work schedules, that departments can consider as they plan what their operations will look like for Fall 2021 and beyond. 

ECU’s interim regulation allows for flexible work arrangements to be provided based upon the needs of the work unit as determined by school, college and/or department leadership. These arrangements may include hybrid, full telework/remote, and flexible work schedules. Full telework/remote work requests will only be approved on a case-by-case basis in limited position-based situations based on industry standards and the recruitment and retention of positions requiring unique skills and experience. All full telework/remote work requests must have the written approval of the appropriate vice chancellor. 

Each department or unit should begin developing its own standard operating procedures to complement, while remaining fully compliant with, this interim regulation. Employee Relations has created a template that departments may use to expedite the creation of their standard operating procedure, which can be found here. These standard operating procedures must be reviewed and approved by the respective division office or vice chancellor in collaboration with the Interim Director of Employee Relations, Jeffrey Dozier. Ideally, all departments should have their flexible work standard operating procedure created and approved before August 20, 2021. Once a department or unit’s standard operating procedure has been approved, it can move forward with documenting flexible work arrangements using the revised Flexible Work Arrangement Agreement (formerly Telework Application/Agreement) which can be found here. This agreement requires the approval of the supervisor and department/unit head. 

Any questions regarding this regulation or processes related to flexible work arrangements should be directed to