Employee Exit Process

The Employee Exit Process is designed to offer exiting employees, including those transferring departments within ECU, with the opportunity to provide feedback about their work environment and overall experience while at ECU and to ensure proper offboarding.

The Employee Separation Checklist or Employee Transfer Checklist is used to ensure appropriate information and documentation is distributed to the employee prior to their last workday.

Information collected through the Exit Interview is part of the University’s ongoing efforts to enhance employee experiences. This information will be maintained by Employee Relations and is used only in generalized, non-identifiable ways to help ECU understand the factors that may contribute to employee satisfaction, engagement, retention, and turnover. All feedback provided through the Exit Interview is valuable and greatly appreciated.


Employees Covered

All full-time and part-time permanent employees separating from the university or transferring departments within ECU are covered under the program.


Exit Interview Process

SHRA, CSS, DMSS, and EHRA Non-Faculty

Once a department learns an SHRA, CSS, DMSS, or EHRA Non-Faculty employee is exiting the university or transferring departments, the supervisor should refer to the Employee Separation Checklist or Employee Transfer Checklist to ensure appropriate information and documentation is distributed to the employee prior to their last workday.

An exit interview can be completed by filling out the appropriate questionnaire below.  Employees and/or supervisors may contact Employee Relations at 252-328-9848 or employeerelations@ecu.edu with any questions.


Once a department learns a faculty member is exiting the university, the department should contact their Department for People Operations, Success, and Opportunity (POSO) personnel representative to ensure appropriate information and documentation is distributed to the faculty member prior to their last workday.

  • For Faculty Exit Interviews, please contact POSO Employee Relations at EmployeeRelations@ecu.edu

For EHRA Faculty in the Brody School of Medicine, the Office of Faculty Development also conducts exit conferences. An exit conference for EHRA Faculty in the Brody School of Medicine can be scheduled by contacting facdevsom@ecu.edu.