Career Banding & Broadbanding


Career Banding

Career Banding is the North Carolina statewide classification and compensation system developed by the Office of State Human Resources (OSHR) for SHRA, CSS, and DMSS employees that focuses on demonstrated competencies as required by the business need of the organization. Employees in the Career Banded system are assigned a specific classification and competency level based on the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for their specific position.  The competency levels are defined as Contributing, Journey, and Advanced.

Within each band employee salaries are determined by several factors:  budget availability, market pay rates, required competencies, internal pay alignment (equity), current salary, and total compensation. As competencies are developed through work experience, education, and training and are demonstrated (used) on the job, employees become eligible for salary adjustment consideration. Increases are subject to funding availability.

Career Banding Salary Ranges

Competency Profiles

Career Banding Salary Administration Policy


Broadbanding is a classification and compensation system specific to designated classifications within our Clinical Support Services (CSS) areas in the Brody School of Medicine.  This system requires the demonstration of specific knowledge, skills, and abilities, but does not have assigned levels of Contributing, Journey, or Advanced levels like Career Banding. There is a minimum, midpoint, and maximum for Broadbanded salary ranges.

Broadbanded Salary Ranges