CSS Recruitment & Selection Policies & Procedures
Below are summaries of the policies, rules, and regulations that apply to CSS employees regarding recruitment and selection at ECU. Click on the policy title to read full policy information on each subject matter.
CSS Employee Handbook
Support staff for ECU Physicians are usually designated as Clinical Support Services (CSS) staff in contrast to staff subject to the State Human Resources Act (SHRA). In order to be designated as CSS, more than 50% of an employee’s duties must be clinically oriented and in support of the practice plan. Various policy changes have been and will continue to be developed to enhance the recruitment and retention efforts of the Clinical Support Services system as detailed in this ECU document. All other SHRA policies, with the exception of the Mediation and Grievance Procedure for SHRA Employees, will remain in effect until such time as a new CSS policy is developed to address the specific issue.
SHRA, CSS, and DMSS Recruitment Guidelines (PDF)
Provided are the guidelines for recruitment and selection of employees Subject to the State Human Resources Act (SHRA), Clinical Support Services (CSS), and Dental Medicine Support Services (DMSS) staff at East Carolina University. These procedures are designed to ensure that the University’s hiring practices are objective, unbiased, consistent, and job-related.
SHRA, CSS, and DMSS Recruitment Guidelines (PDF)
Recruitment and Posting of Vacancies
An Office of State Human Resources policy that states that State Government shall meet its workforce needs through systematic recruitment, selection, and career support programs that identify, attract, and select from the most qualified applicants for State employment, and encourage diverse representation at all occupational levels of the workforce. No selection decision shall be made that will constitute unlawful discrimination in violation of State and Federal law.
Recruitment and Posting of Vacancies (PDF)
Compelled Speech
Guidance regarding compelled speech.
Selection of Applicants
An Office of State Human Resources policy that states that all agencies shall select from the pool of most qualified persons to fill vacant positions. Employment shall be offered based upon the job-related qualifications of applicants for employment using fair and valid selection criteria and not on political affiliation or political influence.
Veteran’s Preference
An Office of State Human Resources (OSHR) policy indicating that state law requires that employment preference be given for having served in the Armed Forces of the United States on active duty (for reasons other than training) during periods of war or any other campaign, expedition, or engagement for which a campaign badge or medal is authorized by the United States Department of Defense.
Veteran’s Preference Guidelines
State law requires that employment preference be given for having served in the Armed Forces of the United States on active duty, for reasons other than training, during periods of war or any other campaign, expedition, or engagement for which a campaign badge or medal is authorized by the United States Department of Defense.
The preference to be accorded eligible veterans shall apply in initial employment, subsequent employment, promotions, reassignments, horizontal transfers and reduction-in-force situations.
The Veteran’s Preference Guidelines provide detailed information regarding eligibility, the process for claiming preference and related Office of State Human Resources and UNC System Office policies.
Veteran’s Preference Guidelines (PDF)
Notice of Nondiscrimination Policy
An ECU policy on equality of opportunity which prohibits unlawful discrimination based on the following protected classes: race/ethnicity, color, genetic information, national origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy and pregnancy related conditions), sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, political affiliation, and veteran status.
Notice of Nondiscrimination Policy
EEO Plan
It is the policy of the State of North Carolina, to provide equal opportunity in employment for all qualified persons and to prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, religion, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy), age (40 or older), disability, genetic information, political affiliation, or veteran status.
Consistent with the policy of the State of North Carolina, ECU reaffirms that it has been, and will continue to be, the policy of this University to be an equal opportunity employer. ECU is committed to equality of opportunity and prohibits unlawful discrimination based on protected class.
ECU’s EEO Plan provides detailed information regarding our commitment to equal employment opportunity.
EEO Hiring Practices and Procedures
Know your Rights: Workplace Discrimination is Illegal (EEOC)
Criminal Background Check Policy
An ECU policy developed to help provide a safe learning and work environment for our students, staff and faculty. Procedures have been developed through which a criminal background report will be acquired for a) any applicant who has also been selected as a final candidate for a position, b) current employees who change positions, or c) employees in designated sensitive positions, involving any Subject to Human Resources Act (SHRA), Clinical Support Services (CSS), Dental Medicine Support Services (DMSS), Senior Academic and Administrative Officer (SAAO), or non-faculty Exempt from Human Resources Act (EHRA) positions at ECU.
Summary of Rights under the FCRA (PDF)
Employment of Related Persons (Anti-Nepotism) Policy
An ECU policy which serves to uphold the University’s high standards of professional and ethical conduct, specifically with respect to employee interpersonal relationships. The intent of this policy is to provide assurance that all employees are able to work in an environment where they can be objectively supervised and evaluated.
This policy defines the types of employee interpersonal relationships that by their very existence create an inherent conflict of interest that affects an employee’s ability to be objectively supervised or evaluated. This policy also proscribes specified conduct with respect to employee interpersonal relationships and provides for disciplinary action for violations of this policy.
Based on this policy, the University is required to evaluate situations in which two (2) or more individuals who are involved in a familial or amorous relationship may concurrently work at the University.
Employment of Related Persons (Anti-Nepotism) Policy
Related Persons Questionnaire (DOCX)
Employment Eligibility Regulation
An ECU policy on the requirement of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 to only hire individuals who are legally eligible to work in the United States. ECU verifies the identity and employment eligibility of each individual hired, completes and retains a federal Form I-9 for each employee, and does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of national origin or citizenship.
Employment Eligibility Regulation
List of acceptable documents for I-9 (PDF)
Electronic Notary I-9 Instructions (DOCX)
When a current SHRA, CSS, or DMSS employee receives a temporary or permanent salary increase, there is a formal approval process. The Compensation Request Form is used to document detailed information regarding the proposed salary increase for the employee. The form is used to capture all necessary approvals including approval by the department head, vice chancellor, and Chancellor as appropriate. For increases related to a competitive recruitment event or an acting promotion, hiring officials should utilize this form to initiate the approval process.
Compensation Request Form (XLSX)
Career Banding
Career Banding is the North Carolina statewide classification and compensation system for SHRA/CSS/DMSS employees at UNC System institutions that focuses on demonstrated competencies as required by the business need of the organization. Employees in the Career Banded system are assigned a specific classification and competency level based on the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for their specific position. The competency levels are defined as Contributing, Journey, and Advanced.
Broadbanding is a classification and compensation system specific to designated classifications within our CSS areas in the Brody School of Medicine. This system requires the demonstration of specific knowledge, skills, and abilities, but does not have assigned levels of Contributing, Journey, or Advanced levels like Career Banding. There is a minimum, midpoint, and maximum for Broadbanded salary ranges.
Behavioral Interview Questions
Behavioral interviewing provides the opportunity to ask candidates questions about their past work experiences in order to evaluate their skills. These questions focus on how the candidate has handled various work situations in the past and their responses will reveal their knowledge, skills, and abilities. This type of interview question follows the logic that past behavior reflects and predicts future behavior.
Behavioral Interview Questions (PDF)
The Reference Check Form can be used to document the information gathered from a reference check.
Guidelines for Non-Discriminatory Interviewing
It is the policy of the State of North Carolina to provide equal opportunity in employment for all qualified persons and to prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, religion, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy), age (40 or older), disability, genetic information, political affiliation, or veteran status.
Consistent with the policy of the State of North Carolina, ECU reaffirms that it has been, and will continue to be, the policy of this University to be an equal opportunity employer. ECU is committed to equality of opportunity and prohibits unlawful discrimination based on protected class.
These guidelines serve as a resource to hiring officials and provide detailed information regarding what can and cannot be asked during a job interview.
Rating Sheet and Interview Checklist
This checklist serves as a tool to assist hiring managers when recruiting applicants for available positions. Specifically, the rating sheet serves as a resource guide to follow once the position has closed and applicants are ready for review (SHRA/CSS/DMSS positions) or once the initial screening period has passed (EHRA positions).
The SHRA/CSS/DMSS Rating Sheet lists the preferences and attributes of the position and is utilized by the search committee members to consistently screen all applicants.
The EHRA Rating Sheet lists the requirements, preferences and attributes of the position and is utilized by the search committee members to consistently screen all applicants.
SHRA/CSS/DMSS Reasons for Non-Selection PA7
ECU is required to provide a final status of each candidate along with a reason for non-selection for all candidates that applied for a vacancy. The reason for non-selection should be non-discriminatory and related to the candidate’s education, experience, knowledge, skills and abilities as it relates to the vacant position.
The SHRA/CSS/DMSS Reasons for Non-Selection PA7 document serves as a resource to hiring officials and provides all of the available reasons for non-selection in ECU’s talent management system, PeopleAdmin.
SHRA/CSS/DMSS Reasons for Non-Selection PA7 (PDF)
Dual Employment
This is a statewide policy to be followed when one State agency secures the services of an employee of another State agency on a part-time, consulting, or contractual basis.
ECU Merit Based Recruitment Plan
ECU is committed to filling positions Subject to the State Human Resources Act (SHRA), Clinical Support Services (CSS) positions, and Dental Medicine Support Services (DMSS) positions from among the pool of the most qualified individuals. Candidate qualifications, knowledge, skills, abilities and other job-related factors will be matched with job requirements and competencies.
The ECU Merit Based Recruitment Plan provides detailed information regarding expectations, processes and policies that are used to ensure ECU’s commitment to an equitable recruitment and selection process.
ECU Merit Based Recruitment Plan (PDF)
Equal Opportunity and Title IX Policies
ECU’s policies include Federal & State of NC laws regarding nondiscrimination, equal employment opportunity, discrimination, harassment, quid pro quo harassment, hostile environment harassment, and recruitment procedures and guidelines.
Nondiscrimination and Title IX Policies
Office of State Human Resources Policies
Office of State Human Resources (OSHR) policies include all human resources policies for all SHRA, CSS, and DMSS employees. It should be noted that some of the OSHR policies are not applicable to CSS employees as outlined in the CSS Employee Handbook or DMSS employees as outlined in the DMSS Policy Manual. If there is an existing CSS or DMSS policy regarding a human resources matter, then the employee would be governed by the CSS or DMSS policy as opposed to the OSHR policy.